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Developer API


To create applications that consume our data we have a Developer API, following this link you will be able to consult more information about the endpoints in our documentation.

Credentials creation

In order to connect with the API, you need to create some credentials in the credentials view, under the Developer API section

Credentials creation

Once here, clicking in the New credentials button will redirect you to the form. In this view we have to set the credentials name, a description can also be set to differentiate better between one another.

New credentials

When finished, click Save and it will show the user information:

Credentials created succesfully

As shown in the pop-up, this information will only appear once. So download the credentials file and save somewhere safe.

API consumption

Now that we have our credentials created. We need to configure the authentication. For this example we will use the API documentation mentioned before.


Clicking the Authorize button a pop-up will show, in which we need to add this information, also found on the Developer API Reference.

  • Username: The username in the credentials file we have downloaded before.
  • Password: The password in the credentials file we have downloaded before.
  • Client credentials location: You need to set this to Authorization header.
  • Client_id: You need to set always "biotz-platform-programmatic-users".
  • Client_secret: This one goes empty.
  • Scopes: You need to check the openid box.


When the authorization is done correctly, you should see a pop-up saying that your Authorized.


With this your capable of consuming the API and get the needed data.